Our Mission:
The Mississippi State University Writing Center dedicates itself to helping all MSU students develop as writers and critical thinkers. We do that by being available in person and online to students who want to think about, talk about, and work on their writing and the ideas that they want that writing to communicate.
Our People:
The Mississippi State University Writing Center is staffed by a network of writing consultants that includes undergraduate and graduate students trained in writing center theory, practice, and research as well as faculty from our writing program. Rather than typical "tutors," we think of ourselves as writing collaborators, meaning we spend time working with writers who are working on their writing. You might also think of us as writing coaches or writing mentors or peer reviewers or audience-testers. Regardless, writers should be prepared to talk about and work on their writing when they stop into one of our locations or join us online.
What We Do at The Writing Center:
We offer 30- and 60-minute consultations as well as walk-in appointments, free of charge, to all MSU writers. We are prepared to work with writers on a variety of genres (including assignments for class as well as professional documents and materials, like resumes, cover letters, scholarship essays, and CVs), and we are also prepared to work with writers during any stage of their writing processes (to brainstorm, develop, and revise.). We spend the most time working with writers to develop and support ideas in response to particular rhetorical situations (like a class assignment or responding to a job ad), to summarize and synthesize research findings, to discover and better understand the conventions of writing within their disciplines or fields (including understanding style guides), and to address audiences appropriately. It is a good idea to think of us as a place to work on writing rather than as a finishing service. The Writing Center does not edit writing, but we do help writers develop a plan of action so that they can continue working and revising even after the session.
Director | Loreeda Rios | L.Rios@msstate.edu
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